I conducted a 13min sound improvisation to get a better understanding of Steno, a tiny language written in SuperCollider. The study was recorded in the studio of the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) in Graz, Austria.
Sound definitions Link to heading
t.quelle('a', {|in, c|
SinOscFB.ar(1400 * Amplitude.ar(in, 0.01, 1), (in * 2).clip(0, 2).lagud(0, 0.2))
t.quelle('e', {|in, c|
a: SinOsc.ar(in.lag(0.1), 0, 10).abs.clip(0, 5),
b: 1.5,
c: 0.5,
d: 1.5,
h: 0.01,
xi: 0.1
).flop.flat.keep(2) * 0.1
t.quelle('i', {|in, c|
Impulse.ar([3, 8])
t.quelle('o', {|in, c|
SinOscFB.ar(ExpRand(100, 200), in) - in.lag(0.01)
t.quelle('u', {|in, c|
SinOscFB.ar(ExpRand(100, 200), 0.1)!2
t.filter('f', {|in, c|
var dyn = RMS.ar(in, 100).lag(0.1) * 2;
RLPF.ar(in * 0.1, 1800 - (dyn.reverse * 400), dyn * 0.5)
t.filter('l', {|in, c|
in * LFTri.ar(RMS.ar(in).lag(0.1) * 10)
t.filter('d', {|in, c|
DelayL.ar(in, 0.2, RMS.ar(in).lag(0.1).reverse.clip(0, 0.2))
t.filter('n', {|in, c|
MyRotate2.ar(in, LFNoise1.kr(0.1))
t.filter('g', {|in, c|
spontaneousrate: 0,
boostrate: 200,
restorerate: 1000,
loss: 0.99,
mul: 1,
add: 0
t.filter('x', {|in, c|
CombL.ar(in, 0.2, 0.2)