For the next field trip, Ramyah prepared a new textile prototype to get in contact with the sonic material. This functional prototype has three types of active parts attached:

  1. The long strips have a crocheted resistive lining; the sensor reading depends on if and where they touch each other.
  2. The tubes have such a lining, too; here the intention is to have them as switches that are activated as soon as they touch another tube.
  3. Inside the tubes is a contact that turns the inner side of the tube into a capacitive sensor. Depending on test outcomes, we plan to either use them as switches (on/off) or to capture continuous signals (indicating e.g. how far the finger is inside one tube)

For the interfacing, we intend to use the Minibee sensor network.


Poking with the finger into a pipe will have an effect on the surrounding soundscape.

Rough tests with a Lilybee

The prototype’s backside has pins for connecting the sensor elements to the electronics.

We will use a Minibee wireless network to capture and distribute the sensor data.