MW-3.1 — Rock and Water

— A massive boulder with a tiny pond

Till Bovermann

First encounter — 2019-09 Link to heading

A massive boulder with a tiny pond next to it, hosting a multitude of plants, combining several microclimates.

During several visits in short succession, I tried to document the microworld in photos and sound, as well as by performing a live coding session next to it, capturing its sounds as well as its microclimates through environmental sensors.

Here are some excerpts of the ambience recordings:

The live coding session was the basis for the piece Rotting Microworlds (part of the Saanajärvi Science Trail):

Rock and water is located directly below Saana next to a small creek.

Second encounter — 2023-08 Link to heading

Rock and Water
how are you?

there are you
so close to the stream.

i remember you different, somehow;
rounder, more shallow in your waters.

your vegetation is less, somehow.
was it a hot summer?

a frog just jumped through the stream nearby.

I finally revisited my friend Rock and Water. I stumbled upon them back in 2019 and was lucky enough to spend some time along them, taking photos, recording ambiences, making sounds. This time around, I was surprised to see how little they had changed.

Rock and Water in September 2023.

Rock and Water in September 2023.

I lay on rock. The Rock. Positioning and adapting my body to the stone.

