Betablocker UGen layout

09 August 2011

The behaviour of the DetablockerBuf UGen I wrote is based on Dave’s Betablocker system. Therefore the UGen has the following structure:

  • a heap of 256 8bit values,
  • an instruction table,
  • one thread consisting of
    • a program counter, pointing to an address in the heap, and
    • a stack of eight 8bit values.

I decided to implement it as a Demand UGen which, when triggered, makes one computational step and returns the topmost element of the stack. A SuperCollider Buffer object represents the heap, allowing to share it between several DetablockerBuf UGens. This is a very simple example on how to use it:

// load a random program into a buffer
b = Buffer.alloc(s, 256);

// play it at a rate of 20000 operations per second
{, 0, DetaBlockerBuf(b.bufnum, 0))}.play;


This is the place where the program and its data are located. In line to the von Neumann architecture, it is possible (and intended) to alter the program while it is running, i.e. interpreting it as data rather than an instruction set. The actual representation of a heap is an array of 256 8bit values. Each value can be interpreted either as an instruction, an address, or an actual number.


A thread is something that executes code stored on the heap. It has a current position (the instruction it is currently evaluating), a stack (some sort of storage, see below), and a timer, determining when it will move its program counter to the heap’s next address.


A stack serves as a temporary storage for a thread. It can be accessed only from top by either (a) pop an item from the stack, (b) return the top_most item without removing it, and (c) _push a value to the stack.


These are the implemented instructions:

NOP – do nothing
ORG – define relative origin address for this thread
EQU – compare first two elements on the stack, pop them off the stack, and push the result
JMP – jump to the address specified right after this instruction
JMPZ – jump only if stack returns 0
PSHL – push value on address specified right after this instruction to the stack
PSH – push value on address specified by the value on the address specified right after this instruction to the stack
PSHI – like push but one more encapsulation
POP – pop item from stack to the point in the heap following this instruction
POPI – pop item from stack and write the value at that address in the heap to the address following this instruction
ADD – perform an addition on the first two elements on the stack, pop them off the stack, and push the result
SUB – perform a subtraction on the first two elements on the stack, pop them off the stack, and push the result
INC – increment value on stack
DEC – decrement value on stack
AND – perform a bit-wise "and" on the first two elements on the stack, pop them off the stack, and push the result
OR – perform a bit-wise "or"" on the first two elements on the stack, pop them off the stack, and push the result
XOR – perform a bit-wise "xor" on the first two elements on the stack, pop them off the stack, and push the result
NOT – perform a bit-wise "not" on the first element on the stack, pop it off the stack, and push the result
ROR – perform a right shift operation on the first two elements on the stack, pop them off the stack, and push the result
ROL – perform a left shift operation on the first two elements on the stack, pop them off the stack, and push the result
PIP – increments value specified by the next value on the heap
PIP – decrements value specified by the next value on the heap
DUP – push a duplicate of the topmost value of the stack to the stack
NOTE – usually play a note (here: like NOP)
NOTE – usually play a vox (here: like NOP)
STOP – usually stop program (here: like NOP)

This is their actual implementation:

case NOP: break;
case ORG: m_start=m_start+m_pc-1; m_pc=1; break;
case EQU: push(pop()==pop()); break;
case JMP: m_pc=peek(m,m_pc++); break;
case JMPZ: m_pc++; if (pop()==0) m_pc=peek(m,m_pc); break;
case PSHL: push(peek(m,m_pc++)); break;
case PSH: push(peek(m,peek(m,m_pc++))); break;
case PSHI: push(peek(m,peek(m,peek(m,m_pc++)))); break;
case POP: poke(m,peek(m,m_pc++),pop()); break;
case POPI: poke(m,peek(m,peek(m,m_pc++)),pop()); break;
case ADD: push(pop()+pop()); break;
case SUB: push(pop()-pop()); break;
case INC: push(pop()+1); break;
case DEC: push(pop()-1); break;
case AND: push(pop()&pop()); break;
case OR: push(pop()|pop()); break;
case XOR: push(pop()^pop()); break;
case NOT: push(~pop()); break;
case ROR: push(pop()>>peek(m,m_pc++)); break;
case ROL: push(pop()<<peek(m,m_pc++)); break;
case PIP:
u8 d=peek(m,m_pc++);
} break;
case PDP:
u8 d=peek(m,m_pc++);
} break;
case DUP: push(top()); break;
case NOTE:
// m_pitch=pop();
// m_played_sound=m_pitch;
// m_sound->play(m_instrument,m_pitch);
} break;
case VOX:
// m_instrument=pop();
// m_played_sound=m_pitch;
// m_sound->play(m_instrument,m_pitch);
} break;
case STOP: /*m_active=false;*/ break;
default : break;