
— rotting sounds

2020 — Till Bovermann, Dario Sanfilippo

Implementation of bit-based synthesis in faust and supercollider.

SuperCollider UGens Link to heading

Native SuperCollider UGens for bit-based synthesis are available in the bitDSP repository. There are currently Ugens implementing basic bit-based operations as well as bit shifters.

Faust library Link to heading

BitDSP is a set of faust library functions aimed to help explore and research artistic possibilities of bit-based algorithms. BitDSP offers three data formats to handle 1-bit data streams:

  1. integer-based
  2. bitBus<N>
  3. int32

BitDSP currently includes implementations of bit-based functions ranging from simple bit operations over classic delta-sigma modulations to more experimental approaches like cellular automata, recursive Boolean networks, and linear feedback shift registers.

A detailed overview of the functionality is in the paper “Creative use of bit-stream DSP in faust” presented at IFC 2020.

The source code can be found on github.

Resources Link to heading

Rotting Sounds project (AR 445-G24), University of Applied Arts