friendly soundforms
2022 — Till Bovermann, Katharina Hauke, Frank Schulz, Heidi Bruck and Ismail Arslantürk
Together with artists Frank Schulz, Heidi Bruck and Ismail Arslantürk of Thikwa-Werkstatt für Theater und Kunst, Katharina Hauke and Till Bovermann of friendly.organisms spent the first half of 2022 promoting inclusive cooperation and collaboration between artists and the environment. In a series of work phases, we jointly selected and visited places around Berlin with the aim of portraying them and creating sound compositions both in and in cooperation with them and their inhabitants.

live coding at floating university
Four excursions to two different locations were conducted in which the artists engaged with resident organism(s), collected field recordings, and contributed to the soundscape with Systems∿Encounter, an electronic sound system specifically developed for soundscape interventions and used extensively within the context of friendly.organisms. In subsequent studio sessions, the collected materials were reworked into sound collages and soundscape compositions.

music production
An overview of the project’s activities and outcomes can be found on friendly.organisms.
Albums Link to heading
Over the course of the project, four albums were produced, each of them following a specific theme. All material was recorded, edited, and mixed by the artists themselves. The albums are available on the friendly.organisms bandcamp page.
- Till's responsibilities:
- together with Katharina: concept, realisation, research
- Affiliation:
- Thikwa-Werkstatt für Theater und Kunst and friendly.organisms, supported through TRANSFORM — inklusives Raumlabor, a project of EUCREA funded by Aktion Mensch, Musikfond, Friedrich Stiftung, Mara&Holger Cassens Stiftung, Rudolf Augstein Stiftung, Claussen Simon Stiftung, and Gabriele Fink Stiftung.
- Further information:
- friendly.organisms website