an SIW score

— sonic intervention wilderness

A score following the Manifesto on Sonic Intervention Wilderness.

Preparation Link to heading

Decide on a place for your SIW intervention and gather a group of sound artists. Every participant should bring one or two mobile (experimental) sound-making objects: At least one of the two instruments should be accessible and playable by others without prior knowledge or training. All instruments should be light and, if possible, self-contained. Light yet robust material with multiple uses is preferable over heavy, single-purpose items. Electronic instruments should be self-powered and energy-efficient. Amplification might be needed but kept to a manageable size.

Session 1 (30min) Link to heading

The following steps are to be taken in a slow and deliberate manner by each participant:

  • Start the intervention by giving space to the place. Take it in, listen, observe.
  • Find a spot where you want to play.
  • Slowly and deliberately unwrap your instrument(s). Make yourself comfortable, find balance. Breathe.
  • Start playing, first subtly, e.g. by taking up rythms you hear or imitating other sonic feautres of your surrounding. Try to blend your sounds with the existing soundscape.
  • Take your time to unfold your sonic spectrum. Make your performance a careful embrace and interpretation of what is already there.
  • After some time, slowly turn to a next level and complement, extend, and alter the surrounding soundscape. Grant space to others, listen to them and take particular note of your most prominent playing partner: the place you are at.
  • When you recognise an ending, take it. Make it similar to the beginning: humble, and actively listening.

Break (15min) Link to heading

Have a break, maybe have some tea or beer. Talk to others, collect their thoughts, ask and answer questions about the instruments you picked, why the fit to the place. Swap instruments.

Session 2 (30min) Link to heading

Repeat as in Session 1, only now at a slightly different spot and with a different instrument.